We have a coffee morning normally on the first Friday of the month held in the Parish Room.

The next coffee morning will be on 14th March 2025Β 

from 10:30 until 12:00 Noon

This is a social event where parishioners and friends from the local community meet to have a chat and catch up.Β 

Generally, any proceeds go to support CAFOD but in November we support Fair Trade, in June the Alzheimer's Society's and in September the Macmillan Cancer Appeal.


This usually takes place in June, Β  before the start of the summer break (school holidays) when the weather is warmer.Β Β 

We get together after Mass in the grounds behind the Church, where we can have some relaxing time together, enjoy a barbeque and have games and activities for the children.Β 

This was a "brunch" following Mass on Sunday 23rd June 2024.

One of the highlights of our year is the annual Christmas Wreath and Table Decoration making evening.Β 

This is held in the Parish Room in early December, when parishioners and friends come together to make their own arrangements.Β  It is tremendous fun and is a significant contributor to our fundraising.Β 

Other flower arranging demonstrations take place at various times during the year.


Hawarden Carnival is a community event arranged by the Carnival Events Committee and is held on the Gladstone Playing Fields in early July each year.Β 

Our Church has a stall at the Carnival where we have a tombola and sell cakes and plants, all donated by parishioners.Β Β 

The event is great fun and helps us to raise the profile of Sacred Heart Church within the community andΒ  provides a valuable means of fund raising.

Β The Carnival was onΒ  Saturday 13th JULY 2024

Β An excellent dayΒ